Nine ways to keep your pet safe on Halloween

Halloween is a fun time of year for humans, but it isn’t always the case for pets. A parade of strangers in even stranger outfits ringing the doorbell can cause anxiety, and there are a number of threats to them – human and otherwise – on Halloween night.

Follow these safety tips below for a safer and happier Halloween for your pets.

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International Cat Day: Four facts you didn’t know about cats!

Happy International Cat Day – the day dedicated to celebrating our extraordinary feline friends! There is no denying that cats are endearing and playful companions with whom we share the most special of bonds. Today is a day to revel in the specialness of that human-cat bond and the distinct place these animals hold in our lives. 

To celebrate, we want to help you to gain a better understanding of cats! Here are 4 things you might not know.

Read more “International Cat Day: Four facts you didn’t know about cats!”

Uniting for cats and birds

For decades, cat people and bird people have been at odds with each other. But the welfare of one does not need to be sacrificed in order to protect the other. We have a responsibility to all of this country’s animals and need to work to improve the situation for both cats and birds. Pitting them against each other fails to address the perils facing both. Solutions for our embattled birds are necessary, but we can’t lose sight of how dire the situation is for Canada’s cats.

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