Humane Canada Accreditation Program

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Humane Canada has developed a National Accreditation Standard for humane societies and Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCAs) that are involved in sheltering, education, advocacy, and/or other animal welfare activities in Canada.

Coming soon, look for this seal to identify a best-in-class humane society or SPCA to support.

By granting the seal of accreditation to humane societies and SPCAs we will foster public trust in the animal welfare sector.

The standard and the accreditation program are based on the Five Freedoms, a core concept in animal welfare that states that an animal’s primary welfare needs can be met by safeguarding the following freedoms:

An animal’s quality of life is determined by the extent to which these freedoms are protected.

Becoming accredited under this accreditation standard offers humane societies and SPCAs a mechanism to publicly demonstrate how they incorporate the Five Freedoms into their design and operations.

Are you a humane society or SPCA looking to become accredited?

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