National Centre for the Prosecution of Animal Cruelty

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The National Centre for the Prosecution of Animal Cruelty (NCPAC) is a community of Prosecutors and allied professionals from across Canada who are working together in the service of the public interest to support the effective and efficient prosecution of animal welfare offences.

As a program of Humane Canada the NCPAC includes representative Crown Prosecutors from the majority of Canadian provinces together with allied professionals working in any field involved in prosecuting animal welfare offences (for example animal enforcement and animal protection officers, veterinarians (and other animal care professionals), lawyers, policymakers, academics and articled students interested in pursuing a career as a prosecutor).

Our aim is to assist Prosecutors and allied professionals in achieving appropriate, consistent and proportional outcomes for animal welfare offences.

Visit the NCPAC site for more information and resources, and to sign up to the NCPAC newsletter.

NCPAC Newsletters: